"WattDepot is a RESTful web service that collects electricity data (such as current power utilization or cumulative power utilization) from meters and stores it in a database. The data can then be retrieved by other tools for visualization and analysis."
Once the command line is done we will be creating a web application to allow the users to monitor information about their consumption of energy in order to create awareness of how much energy is being consumed.
I found a small bug in jar.build.xml that incorrectly specified the output zip to be wattdepot-clientlib.jar where it should have been wattdepot-lib-client.jar. We also modified the dist.build.xml file as to build unique distributions in zip format to distinguish our branch from the others.
Our branch repository is located here:
WattDepot: Elua Branch.
Our distribution (although only now a bootstrap) is located here:
WattDepot: Elua Branch Distribution Download.
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