We have completed 3 of our gadgets. I'd like to share what we have so far.
First off, let me mention that these gadgets are Google Gadgets for placement of your iGoogle homepage. They report information by querying a Google Spreadsheet from javascript and then displaying the appropriate visualization or dynamic content.
Our Don’t Waste Money iGoogle Gadget displays the HEEP Rebate + Money Saved. It gives the consumer a birds eye view of how much they will earn by choosing an EnergyStar model.
When you select a certain brand, it queries the spreadsheet for the relation between the brand, rebate and savings.Our NegaWatt iGoogle Gadget displays the amount of watts saved for certain types of appliances.

There are some things we would like to continue to work on in order to perfect them. Most of these have to do with white space surrounding the visualizations and other CSS refinement.
You can search for these gadgets on Google Gadgets Search or simply visit our project page:
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