Recently I talked about adding a settings feature to allow any WattDepot server to be queried for data. This has now been implemented and the settings will be saved once set. Here is a screenshot of this feature:

As you can see the top field is where you type the URL of the WattDepot server and the bottom image is what will pop up if you don't have that set when you first start the application. If the URL in invalid, meaning it does not link to a WattDepot server, then you will get an error message and it will tell you to enter the correct URL.
Beyond those necessary additions, we started to style our application to make it more visually pleasing. Here is a screenshot of a temporary placeholder image. It will change once we go over a few more designs. We have added transparency to each listview item so the background is visible.

We also added a feature where if the menu button is pressed it displays our settings panel. This is useful if the user would like to make changes to the WattDepot URL and also houses a placeholders for future settings.

We still have some pending issues to resolve. These issues are creating test cases and a continuous integration system. We also would like to add locational awareness that will be used to sort the list by closest proximity.
While Android is quite a fun framework to work with, getting to learn the libraries, like any framework, can be quite a task; so I recommend spending a lot of time read others code, it has helped me a lot.
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