Sunday, November 8, 2009

Code Review

It was my task to review the code of two watt-depot branches. I found that the projects were not completed to specification and hard to review because of this. However, I'll attempt to give insight and advice on what needs to be done, in terms of error handling and design.

Ewalu - The commands are all implemented and working, good job. I think this code needs a little more time reorganizing and it will be a really good project. Exception handling for errors needs to be worked on and error messages need to be given. There are NumberFormatException's, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException's and some design issues to be worked on. Design issues involving remapping the structure of the project into logically divided packages and classes. Currently the source is mostly in one file. Test cases should also contain tests that check how the program responds to invalid input and exceptions.
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Ehiku - The Ehiku branch needs a bit more time as well to implement and convert the rest of the commands into a more organized project consisting of classes and branches. It seems currently the transition is underway in the way the commands are parsed and dispatched. I'd like to see this design completed. There are some mishandled exceptions in the code as well, IllegalArgumentException, ResourceNotFoundException and the code leaves '[]' after a result is printed to the screen. There are no test cases either. But as I said, this branch can easily clean this up and just needs a little more time to do so.
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